Save thousands over the cost of a new hood.
Repairing the hood is faster than replacing the hood.
With the Kenworth long-hood, spring-pocket repair kit, there is no need to paint the hood. Replacing the hood requires you to paint the hood to match.
Stronger than the original spring pockets. Load is spread out over a much larger area.
Usually faster delivery times. Definitely cheaper shipping cost.
Better design. If you replace the hood, you are putting on a new hood with the same poorly-designed spring pockets that will probably break again. The Kenworth long-hood spring pocket repair kit is a better design as it converts the point load to a large-area load.
This kit will get your truck back on the road quickly so you can continue making money. Every day that your truck is not on the road, you are losing money. Stop losing money. Repair your hood this morning and continue making money this afternoon.
Kenworth W900 Long Hood Repair Kit Contents:
1 driver side aluminum spring pocket casting
1 passenger side aluminum spring pocket casting
2 cartridges of 2510 PlastiFix High Performance Acrylic Adhesive
2 mixer tips for the 2510 PlastiFix adhesive
14 screws
Tools and Supplies Required (Not Included with the Kit):
Applicator Gun
1001-4 EcoPrep Cleaner
Permanent marker
Dust mask and gloves
Small reciprocating saw with a wood style blade.
50 grit Roloc disc and Roloc sander
60 grit or coarser sandpaper
Drill with a 1/8" drill bit
Low strength thread locker
Body spreader or plastic putty knife
#2 Phillips head screwdriver