Plastic Welders, Rods, & Plastic Adhesives

Tel: 1-800-429-3289

Plastic Welder - Mini Weld 5600HT

Nothing beats the Mini Weld Model 7 (5700HT) plastic welder. This is the easist, most popular selling heated-tip type plastic welder in the world. We sell a ton of these and never get a return or complaint. It's just a terrific product. We encourage you to click on the Mini Weld Model 7 (5700HT)'s link and read its customer reviews. You'll be impressed.These are also made in the USA and come with a one year warranty.

We also carry Urethane's Steinel LCD Hot-Air Plastic Welder, Model 6055(see below). Hot-Air plastic welding provides a smoother finish, and is preferred when doing cosmetic applications (such as car fenders, dashboard, and trim). This is a classy portable hot-air welder that will impress anyone familiar with the finer techniques of hot-air plastic welding. Hot air welders are also used by many contracotrs for commercial applications where a plastic welder is needed 8 hours a day!

Total: 23 Products

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